Computer Science 1

Hello, my name is Kaylene Pack and this is my webpage for GITA 1.
I look forward for good grades throughout high school. But also
reaching my career goals of passing the bar exam to be a lawyer or
graduating with an engineering degree.

I am currently in robotics, LADY IT, and Paws. I am also involved in
commmunity service such as over the summer city volunteering programs,
LADY IT,and softball/robotics fundraisers.

The GITA program is about teaching others about the world of coding
and how fun it can be.

Brea Olinda High School Website

Visual Studios

789 Wildcat Way, Brea, CA 92821 or (714) 990-7850

Hello World

Date: 9/6/23

The very first project that translates hello.

Goodbye Project

Date: 8/24/23

In this project we learned how to show how to say goodbye in mutiple languages depending on which button you choose.

About Me

Date: 1/9/23

Making a project based on a business we came up with being able to change colors, fonts, and the information shown by buttons.

Mailing Label

Date: 9/6/23

Creating a mailing label depending on the information inputted by the user.

Mad Libs

Date: 9/8/23

Letting the user create a mad libs using their inputs.

Car Rental

Date: 9/12/23

Creating a car rental service to calculate manager's information, mileage, prices, and customer's information.

Car Rental

Date: 9/12/23

A car rental service that includes customer and manager data such as milage and price.

BMI Calculator


Calculating BMI, the average, recommending a diet, and displaying BMI ranges.

Car Rental Upgrade

Date: 10/2/23

Updating the car rental service by adding addons options, car options, and pictures.

Test Scores

Date: 10/4/23

Calculating the grade of two test score and outputting the greater score.

Dice Probabilities

Date: 10/9/23

Roll a pair of dice and be given the sum, probability, and how many times it was rolled.

Craps Game

Date: 10/17/23

A digital Craps Game where rules are given and points, sum, and times rolled are kept track.

Slot Machine

Date: 10/26/23

A digital Slot Machine that has bets, times played, deposit and a grand prize.

Taco Shops

Date: 11/9/23

An online Taco Shop where you can order and customize your taco, have a summary of you order, have your order repeated.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Date: 11/27/23

Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock online against your friend. Keep track of each player's wins and show images of your choice.

Stair Walker

Date: 12/7/23

Randomly generate the cat's direction. If the cat reaches the bottom it is scared by a monster, if the top by a ghost. Keep track of how many times it gets scared by the ghost, monster, and steps.

2D Submarine

Date: 1/9/24

Move 2 submarines around by yourself or automatically. As the submarines move around be careful of rocks and the boundaries to prevent it from sinking.


Date: 1/18/24

A digital tic-tac-toe game where 2 players take turns going.

Basic AI

Date: 2/2/24

A simple game where you play as Scooby Doo as you run away from a AI that chases you. Throw snacks at it as you try and survive.

Star Field

Date: 2/22/24

Moving stars as if you are traveling through space.

Fishing Simulator

Date: 2/26/24

Fishes randomly moving while being hunted by sharks or you trying to fish them.

Number Array

Date: 3/20/24

A number array that shows the even, odd, average, lowest and highest numbers.

Bee Simulator

Date: 3/26/24

Making a bee go to the flower and fly back to the hive.